What Is The Best Treatment For Alcoholism?

What Is The Best Treatment For Alcoholism?

Anyone who is dealing with alcoholism might feel like there is no end in sight. However, there are various options for treatment available today to help you heal from alcoholism, so you can go back to living a fulfilling, healthy life. Different factors such as your motivation, support system, and medical history can contribute to your recovery success. Treatment is meant to be supervised by a group of medical professionals at a rehabilitation facility. Alcohol treatment centers have specialists who can guide you throughout every step of your recovery process.

Overcoming alcoholism is a challenging and long process that requires various therapies or treatments. If you want to increase your chances of lasting sobriety after finishing an outpatient or inpatient program, you need to continue counseling and engage in local support groups. Alcoholism treatment is a long-term investment in your health and your future, and it will make a significant difference in your life.

Professionals recommend that an individual’s treatment plan should be based on their personal circumstances such as:

  • Treatmnt for AlcoholismTheir history of alcohol withdrawal and alcohol use dependency
  • Other co-existing psychiatric or medical conditions
  • Their interest in other treatment options
  • The social and physical environment

Anyone looking to take the necessary steps to treat their alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder should first make an appointment with their physician. The individual will be asked several questions to determine their level of dependency and help them select the best treatment option based on their needs.

A therapist or doctor can recommend either of the following treatment options or a combination of some of them:

  • Relapse prevention training
  • Detoxification
  • Medications

When Should You Get Alcoholism Treatment?

Alcoholism TreatmentBefore alcoholism treatment, you must first want to stop drinking and acknowledge your condition. At times, people may recognize that they have an alcoholism problem on their own. In other situations, friends or family may need to stage an intervention to address their drinking problem. An intervention is a good way to begin the discussion on alcoholism treatment and the available support options.

There is no wrong or right time to get alcoholism treatment. If left untreated, alcoholism can lead to additional problems such as professional disruptions, relationship problems, financial issues, and health complications. The sooner you get help, the better your chances for long-term sobriety.

Types of Alcoholism Treatment

Choosing to get alcoholism treatment is a huge decision. Before you get started with the treatment, you need to understand what each treatment option offers. A comprehensive alcoholism treatment program is the best option for recovery as it deals with the person as a whole instead of just focusing on their alcohol use.

Comprehensive treatment programs include several factors which all contribute to one’s all-around recovery.

Alcohol Detoxification

Detoxification is the first step of alcoholism treatment, and it is usually the most difficult stage of recovery, especially if you have had a drinking problem for a long time. Over the first few days of detox after quitting drinking, you might experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. For this reason, alcohol detox must only be completed under the care of medical professionals who can also give you the necessary medication to alleviate the pain. This will help you concentrate on achieving sobriety and recovering fully. Once you complete detoxification, you can proceed with other steps of therapy and treatment.


Drug RehabAfter detoxification, patients go into rehabilitation, which includes a variety of treatments and therapies to help individuals fight triggers and drinking urges. During the rehab stage of alcoholism treatment, individuals also learn about coping skills that can be applied daily to various situations even after completing rehab. Rehabilitation can happen in an outpatient or inpatient setting, depending on the severity of the individual’s drinking problem or what the physician recommends.

Rehab facilities offer a structured environment for treatment to help in recovering from alcoholism. Inpatient rehabs are generally adapted to treating all forms of alcoholism and require patients to stay on-site for the entirety of the program, which may be 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days. Outpatient rehabs involve a level of care where the patient is allowed to live at home while attending treatment for a stipulated number of hours in a day or week. It is still supportive and structured as a mode of treatment and is great for individuals who cannot commit to inpatient rehab but still need a certain level of care. Treatment professionals are available around the clock to provide the necessary care and prepare individuals for life after treatment. They can provide you with information on handling triggers, maintaining sobriety, and what to do if you relapse.


This involves having regular meetings with an alcohol counselor to communicate and get guidance throughout the recovery. Counseling helps to open the communication lines for you during difficult and good times. A therapist can work with the individual to address any underlying issues triggering their drinking problems, such as work, family relationships, or peers. Counseling allows you to learn more about yourself and how to maintain your health both inside and out. Other benefits of counseling include:

  • Learning to develop healthier behaviors to hinder alcohol dependency.
  • Practicing self-awareness.
  • Expressing oneself without fear of judgment.


After rehabilitation, the individual will gradually start to get used to daily life. It is essential to give yourself enough time to get back into the groove of things. You can also maintain your sobriety and make a positive lifestyle change by attending Alcoholics Anonymous and other relevant support groups offering engagement and encouragement with sponsors, group leaders, and others in recovery.

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